diumenge, 24 de novembre del 2013

"El hombre orquesta"

"El hombre orquesta"

Is a short-film created by studio animation PIXAR and they want to explain a story of two musician fighting for a coin of a woman she will throw in a fountain.
The first musician starts playing his musical instruments (?) but when the woman will take the coin in his ladle other musician appears. 
The two musicians starts to "fight", increasingly demonstrating their best music to get the coin of the woman. Finally the coin fall in a sewer, when she requires her coin and they say they haven't, gets a "violin" and win a bag filled of money (coins, obviously) and throw 2 in a fountain. 

In my opinion this short-film was so funny in the final scene, when the woman get violin, win a lot of coins and throw 2, I have a short-funny moment with this Pixar short-film. :').

Thanks and don't let to visit, always yours Shawn (DreamMakers) :'D.

diumenge, 20 d’octubre del 2013

La meva àvia/ my grandmother

ella es la meva àvia, sempre m'ha ajudat a cumplir el meu somnis, en aquesta foto es veu amb cara séria perque, sent molt guapa no li agraden les fotos. Jo me l'estimo molt i espero que visqui per veure com el seu net ha fet realitat el seu somni. Gràcies yaya. Esta foto va ser tomada fa 5 anys, cuan yo tenía 11 i ya començava a fer-me una idea de quin camí volía triar a la meva vida, pero no estava del tot segur. Darrere d'ella es pot apreciar el banc i al fons, una botiga. Li diem 'plaza de la aspirina' perque aquesta te forma d'aspirina. El seu nom es Celia com la meva germana petita, ella m'estima moltíssim i sempre em dona diners, es molt bondadosa. Es una dona de casa, tradicional. Ha criat perfectament als seus fills i jo l'admiro molt. Només espero que visqui molt de temps mes.


She´s my grandmother, she always helped me to fulfill my dreams; in this photo she looks very serious because she doesn't like photos but she's very beautiful. I love her very much and I hope live much more to look me fullfilling my dreams. I love you Grandma. This photo was taken 5 years ago, when I've 11 and was beggining to get an a idea what I wanted to be in my life, but I wasn't too secure of this. Behind of my Grandma you can see a bank and again, behind bank you can see a kiosk. At this place will call 'plaza de la aspirina' because she had this form like aspirin. Her name's Celia, like my little sister. She loves me a lo and always she gives me money, is very 'kind'. She's a woman-house. She has bred perfectly his sons and I admire it a lot. I only hope that she lives for a long time.

dissabte, 19 d’octubre del 2013


Els nostres gustos/Ours likes

Quina música ens agrada? La musica que ens agrada es la pop i el R&B sobretot. Anirem deixant la musica que ens agrada i la musica que fem ens les parts laterals i inferiors del blog. 


How music like us? The music what like us is "pop" and R&B. In this blog we will be leaving the music that we like in the inferior and lateral parts of the blog.

dilluns, 23 de setembre del 2013

Quins som?

The DreamMakers

Qué som?

Som una nova banda de música creada el 20 de septembre a les 13:00h, durant una classe de música on els principals integrants (pero no més importants) ens vam coneixer ben bé com erem, amb el mateixos gustos vull dir.

Aquest es el nostre blog on podreu veure els nostres avanços com a banda de música.


What we are.

We are a new boy-band created in 20 of september at 13:00 o'clock, during one class of music, where the main members (but no more importants) we met with the same hobbies.

This is our blog where you can see our progress as a band.